Thursday 11 April 2013

Five star farm!! :)

This crew couldn't have asked for a better last day in YiLan County!

To start the day off, us ladies went to the golf course to round up Mike and Alex who started their day extra early to get in some time on the mountain green. We found them soaked from the rain but still smiling!

Then we hit the road and made our way to Alex's host, Jacky's, farm. This oasis was called Toucheng tourist farm. It was less like a farm and more like a resort for all ages with some cute animals scattered throughout :)

We began our visit by... Guess... Eating! After a great lunch we had a lot of fun painting leafy designs on T-shirts that we are able to take home with us. Then we made fire roasted pizzas. YUM! After that we met Jacky's water buffalo who paid no attention to us while they ate their own lunch of wild greens. Jacky's farm is also equipped with a winery and we were fortunate enough to participate in a wine tasting! To wind down our day at the farm, we spent time chatting and drinking tea and coffee at a restaurant on site.

The day wasn't over yet though! We were invited to a nice rotary gathering hosted by the ChiaoHsi rotary club where Mike and Alex presented about our time here in Taiwan thus far; and where we bid farewell to many of our new friends here in YiLan. Of course we will see many at the conference this weekend for district 3490 which the team is really looking forward to. To everyone here in YiLan though, thank you so much for your wonderful hospitality and efforts to show us your county. YiLan is BEAUTIFUL!!

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